Monday, March 10, 2025

What a difference ten dollars makes

Last we checked in, UVXY was at 17.26 and today it hit 28.41.  Volatility index, indeed!  Volatile contracts on volatility, indeed!

Here you see me documented in history - look for the black dots and you'll see my little present to myself:  12 call contracts at 9 cents for this Friday at the 53 strike. Let the record show that at 12:54 PM, some pajama trader pressed the button for 12 contracts at 9 cents.

I paid about as much for that as you'd pay for a very decent lunch (for a few people at a nice place.) I don't need all that grease and sugar anyway, so I'm okay paying for this little decaying asset.

Let's see how this week shapes up. I'm sure there will be much to say about it. 

follow me on Twitter: @grapeswhiz

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