Thursday, August 16, 2018

A narrow escape

Considering that I was looking at an unbooked $4,500 loss yesterday with no end in sight, this grand total isn't much, but I'll take it.

A lesson in how NOT to trade.  Multiple overnights with naked shorts, and much spinning of plates (the calls), which did actually net profits for me, but ultimately put me in line for more risk than originally intended.

August 9th -16th
Sold short 3,000 UVXY at 8.20, credit $24,594.37.  Bought qty 30 UVXY Aug 10th 8 strike calls for 0.25, debit: -$770.37. Max risk: -$170.37
Sold all UVXY Aug 10th 8 strike calls for 0.645, credit $1,915.52. Profit booked: $1,145.15 
Bought qty 30 UVXY Aug 17th 8 strike calls for 1.00, debit: -$3,020.37. New max risk -$1,275.22
Sold all UVXY Aug 17th 8 strike calls for 1.18, credit $3,519.52. Profit booked: $499.15. 
Bought qty 30 UVXY Aug 24th 8 strike calls for 1.12, debit: -$3,380.37. New max risk -1,136.07
No calls held at many points; risk unlimited.
Sold all UVXY Aug 24th 8 strike calls for 1.68, credit $5,019.50 
Bought to cover 3,000 UVXY at 9.179, debit -$27,541.95
Grand outcome: +$338.85