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Or at least through the end of this week. After that I'll be ready for anything else, but please - whatever is keeping volatility low - stay stable for a few more days.
My escapades this month started on August 3rd, when I thought I'd draw a line in the sand for UVXY. See chart below. UVXY was in the $25 range that day and its fraternal twin VIX was in the low 12s. I calculated that UVXY was unlikely to sink as low as $24 during the next two weeks, and wrote puts at that strike for 93 cents. Later in the day, those puts eroded in value to just 63 cents, and I could not pass up such a quick bargain, so I rang the register and put the proceeds right in the till.
Later in the afternoon, I looked for better premium on an even more attractive strike. After a jog around the park, UVXY took a solid nap, dropping back down to its morning levels, and I went searching for premium, this time deciding to be a little safer (since my estimates can be wrong). I wanted to hold this one until expiration (that's usually my intent) and get more than just the icing off the cake, as I did earlier in the day. So I chose a lower strike this time, $23.50, at the same expiration nearly two weeks away, and got a price very close to the one I had just paid to close the previous, more "dangerous" contracts. I considered it basically a "free" move to a safer strike. To make it seem like a deal even better than "nearly free," I wrote more contracts. I wanted more money than I would have gotten had I just held the previous set of contracts, and I was willing to further my own willful delusion by taking on more risk (writing more contracts.) At 63 cents each as payment, and taking on the risk of being assigned $28,000 worth of UVXY, I stood to make seven big bills for my time and trouble.
I could have held until expiration day to get every last penny out of the trade, but with two days to go, once again I could not pass up the bargain of closing the trade for just two cents when VIX did a one-day-only spike up into sixteen land. UVXY startled itself up to $30 in sympathy, options traders got a case of the vapors, and someone left those contracts on the block for a price tag of just pennies, so I threw two pennies in that direction and left town twelve contracts lighter. Subtracting commission, it turned out to be exactly the quoted figure: Seven sheets of double-digit currency. So that was the end of my UVXY activity in August (so far - barring any new weird ideas I might get.)
Going back to the first week of August for an explanation of my motives: While VIX languished around in the 12 range and no one had a foggy clue what SPX was going to do, I saw nothing to do but engage in the above hilarity plus accompanying chuckles called "selling SVXY calls." Note that the below chart is, not coincidentally, pretty much a flipped version of the one above. On August 4th I got it into my head to write 99 calls and someone else was handing out $2.20 to buy them. I kept those under my hat all the way through today, when I decided that in the same way no one knows what SPX will do, there is no way in the dickens that SVXY can be counted on to do anything in particular for even the next five days, and I'd be willing to pay 20 cents per contract to get out of SVXY's way. Pocketing a hefty "worrying fee," of course. The worry coming from the way SVXY twice kissed $97 or thereabouts, right after I wrote those "take your chances" tickets. Writing calls on SVXY always seems like more of a sweat-inducer than writing puts, if only because SVXY tends to march up the hill steadily with almost no encouragement under all but the most worrisome market conditions.
Well, that's the wrap-up on my early-August attempt to get the leftover crumbs out of the pan where the great summer VIX cake was baked and served and all but forgotten about by now, with only some sagging volatility indexes left behind to make us wonder if it ever really happened. Now, notice that so far these positions I opened and closed were designed to vindicate my thesis that volatility was not going to get much lower, or at least that the good-time party friends of VIX (my buddies UVXY and SVXY) could only go so much lower or so much higher (respectively). That's a hard way to make money, though, when volatility is already low. Around a week ago I shifted tactics, but didn't really shift sentiment.
Unless and until there's some sort of spike in volatility, I'll take the premium where I can find it, and I'll risk being forced to take on water if I have to. Being paid a bonus to buy SVXY at prices not seen all summer other than during the July VIX bake-off is a worthwhile venture, in my estimation, and so is picking up bet money on the "do not cross" lines set at various points south of the current trading price. On August 11th and 12th I wrote puts on $85, and then, balancing the likelihood of being assigned shares with the compensation I'd get for the inconvenience (of taking on nearly double the SVXY I'd be a proud owner of - I'd be a nervous owner if assigned all), I wrote a few more puts on $77.50. Premium on the former was $1.65 per contract, and on the latter, a whopping (proportionally speaking) $1.45. The reason the premium was so decent on the 77.50s is because anyone who comes along for the ride must chip in for gas. No, really - as depicted by the blue arrows, I took advantage of an overnight share price drop to pick up the last few. Follow along for a less wordy (because I've already explained it all) installation documenting the conclusion to this story pretty soon, as the story must end before the dates stamped on my only two current positions: Friday the 21st.
Is there a reason why you trade uvxy instead of vxx? Most traders prefer vxx because of the high daily option volume and a better bid-ask spread.
ReplyDeleteIn your first table you mentioned paying 61.92$ fees for 22 contracts and in the second 21.44$ fees for 4 contracts. So your fees varies depending on the number of contracts?
I have compared the premium I would receive for VXX vs. UVXY and it appears that UVXY brings in more, by something like 30%. Maybe I have not researched carefully enough, so if you find something different, please point it out to me. I did a pretty careful study by comparing the two securities and their relative levels, and then looked at premium for comparative moves.
DeleteI may not have been clear; I was not referring to fees (was not referring to commissions, which you can see in my totals but are so small that I don't mention them. I think I pay about $7 per trade plus less than a dollar per contract.) I am not sure which table you are looking at. Is it in a previous post, or another section of the blog? I will go looking for it. Thanks for your comment.
I see the fees. Yes, those are commissions on the trades. Here is how they break down:
DeleteIn the first table, I had two complete trades. Sold puts, then bought to cover. Then sold more puts, then bought to cover those. Each time I sell or buy it is *approximately* $13, and that can vary depending on how many contracts. There is a flat fee for the trade and then a lesser charge that is per-contract. So I would pay around $8 if opening or closing just one contract, and if I were opening, say, 30 contracts at a time, it would be... I will make it simpler by finding and posting the actual commissions for those. Be back in a few minutes.
So, to answer your question, not only were there more contracts in the first table, but there were more trades, also. Here is the breakdown. Commissions were as follows:
Delete$16.15 on the 23.50 puts to open, $16.15 on the 23.50 puts to close
$14.79 on the 24 puts to open, $16.15 on the 24 puts to close.
$10.71 on the 99 calls to open, $10.71 on the 99 calls to close.
I only grouped them together to explain the trade, and the brokerage adds up anything you group together and puts totals for those at the top. Hope this clears up any confusion.
I can recommend you Interactive Brokers. Compare their fees to yours and calculate your profit. ;)
Do you have a plan in advance when to exit a losing trade or do you decide this at the moment it occurs?
Thanks. I think I have a vague plan in mind. For example, I don't mind having certain stock put to me. I have sold calls and got upside-down in them. Here is a post in which I explained why I bought stock to protect against being upside-down in naked calls. The few posts after that may provide a little more detail on what happened.
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ReplyDeleteHow did your 11/12 put writes on SVXY 85/77.5 Friday the 21st trades end? It looks like you would have to have produced the shares based on the speed of the market decline unless you got out early by the 18th?
ReplyDeleteAssuming you didn't buy to cover by the 18th and you started losing ground what would your actions have been? Cut losses on the 19th? Freak out and cover on the 20th for a real bath? What would your loses have been on the 20th?
Thanks so much Grapes.
Sorry I didn't see this till now. Reminding myself again to check a notification box or something. So...
DeleteI see that I didn't update on the blog. I think I did on twitter. I didn't mean to leave people hanging on that.
On the 19th I bought both back. THe 85 puts, I wrote for $1.65 and bought back for 55 cents. The 77.50s, which I thought would be ridiculous to buy back (har har, as of now, right?) I had written for $1.45 and bought back for eight cents. I closed those only to make room in my account (to take some cash out, regroup, and then I sold the 83 puts which I will undoubtedly get assigned on. Today I also wrote 57.50 puts. There's a good chance I'll be up to the gills in SVXY soon. I see another blog post is needed; I'll do it soon.
I probably would have just had the stock put to me. That's always my plan when selling puts. It's possible I'd have to sit on stock for a long time that is worth a lot less than I paid for it. I think I'm going to experience that very soon, since I'm going to have the current ones put to me in two days.
There have been times when I really scrambled to avoid having SVXY put to me. I don't know why I was so eager to avoid it; later, when I was patting my own back over the tiny amount of money I received on the associated short calls (probably was a strangle), I saw that, had the stock been put to me, I would have made multiples more. I remember it. (It was not long ago.) I was like, "woo hoo, I got $1,500 out of this whole deal, but if they had put the stock to me, I'd have $10,000 right now."
Just to be clear, since you said I would have had to "produce the shares," I'm not sure if you mistyped or not. When puts are written, the risk is that I'd be forced to take delivery of those shares at the specified price.
DeleteOn the other hand, when calls are written, if the strike hits (or if the contract buyer so desires, even if it does not hit), it's my responsibility to produce the shares, either because I already have them when the calls are written, or because I buy them somewhere along the way while the trade is open, or the brokerage will do it for me in a debit transaction (buy and immediately sell to the contract holder at the specified price - the strike - and the difference is taken from my account in the form of cash.)