Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Mid-month status

Not that it seems like mid-month yet, but the dates are now double-digit, and if I haven't moved along making something this blog can record in black ink, I'm woefully behind, that's all I can say. Gains can be made in the eleventh hour, but that's not how I plan for it. I don't think about dates or amounts - I simply think, "What's the most money I can get started making today, without getting run over?" On the fourth and the third of August I opened the following positions. Was the timing perfect, and were the prices precise? I doubt it. I tend to be a perfectionist by nature (in some areas - quite the opposite in others) and this venture is challenging my tendency to maximize and scrutinize, and then back-test and criticize myself for not getting the same result some imaginary person out there got with their theoretical genius trade. So it is what it is - a ham-fisted money grab that got slim around the edges yesterday, but appears ready to get a new lease on life today.

image taken pre-market today, August 11th

That's all I have.  That's all I'm working with.  Will that stay the same today?  Tomorrow? Will I cap either or both of those off as short strangles, as I planned to do Friday but didn't do? We'll see.

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